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This site will allow those interested in post Civil War history to learn about St. Augustine, and select Florida locations, during the gilded age in America. Spanning roughly from 1877 to 1910, the Gilded Age was a time when wealth became reality for a lucky few throughout the country. Through philanthropy and self-interest the rich and famous erected the beautiful landmarks we can still see, and remember, today. The Gilded Age was a time of reform, celebration, and transition for many and the landmarks left from that era help modern day Americans envision the struggle, mood and successes of America during the latter half of the nineteenth century.


Photo provided by Sue Junkins

Panoramic view of the Ponce de Leon Hotel courtyard.

2013 Clayton Junkins, Kayleigh Gades, Brittany Martin, Meghan Crawford, Erik Hendricksen. Flagler College Public History (HIS 440: Heritage Tourism)

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